Iain Sharp

Wetlands and Aquatic Environmental Biologist



Masters Degree – Earth and Atmospheric Science, University of Alberta.

Bachelor’s Degree – Science in Marine Biology, Dalhousie University.

Iain Sharp, M.Sc., P.Biol., R.P.Bio., QAES, is one of the wetlands specialists and fisheries biologists here at Green Plan, with a specialization in using remote sensing science and quantitative ecological modeling for determining wetland health, impacts of projects on aquatic health, forestry health, and wildlife movement patterns. He also provides expertise on linear infrastructure projects and watercourse crossing reclamation.

Iain has over five years of professional biology experience, primarily within Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Ontario. His work has been predominantly concentrated on linear infrastructure developments such as roadway, pipeline, and telecommunications or on mining developments. 

Some career project highlights for Iain include; CST Coal Caribou radio collar program, Stream Crossing and Aquatic Resource Inventory (SCARI) program manager for companies like Tourmaline Oil, Canadian Natural Resources Ltd., Imperial Oil, Sinopec. Iain has also taken part in Dungeness Crab behavioral studies with the Port of Vancouver as well as fish population studies in lakes using fishing sonar for Argonaut Gold Inc. 

Iain’s other certifications include; Professional Biologist (Alberta & BC) 2023; Certified Basic Drone Pilot.

During his personal time Iain enjoys running and skijoring with his dog Charlie, bouldering, or by embracing his inner nerd playing Dungeons and Dragons!